Travel & Cruise Guides and Tips | Fine Travel New Zealand

8 Reasons Why you Should Experience a Safari Holiday

Written by Fine Travel | 30/03/19 21:00

A safari holiday is on most people’s bucket lists. However, this once-in-a-lifetime experience often gets pushed to the bottom of the list because of the perception it will be too difficult or too costly.

We’re here to tell you that these safari myths are just that – myths! Going on a safari holiday can be more affordable than you expect and with proper planning, easily achieved. Alongside our African Safari Specialists we work with clients looking for different travel styles, from bespoke itineraries through to group tours (including for solo travellers).

In this blog, we discuss eight compelling reasons to experience the magic of a safari holiday sooner rather than later.

1. Safari holidays can be surprisingly cost-effective

Your investment in a safari holiday will depend on how much or how little you want to include.  From "glamping" (glamorous camping) through to budget safaris, single country to multi-country itineraries, costs can vary. 

Pre-packaged safari holidays can be the most cost effective because our specialist partners have negotiated group rates that combine accommodation, meals, sightseeing, activities, and airport transfers into one accessible price. Once you’ve paid the tour cost, you won’t find yourself opening your wallet all that often. Let’s just say that going on safari isn’t like walking down the Champs-Elysees or ‘popping in’ to Harrods! The stunning views and magical wildlife are priceless.

2. You’ll get the chance to enjoy Attenborough-worthy encounters

This is the real drawcard of a safari holiday: intimate encounters with Africa’s incredible wildlife. You’ll get the chance to get up close and personal with some of the world’s most awe-inspiring creatures.

Your safari doesn't need to just be about the "Big 5".  If there are specific animals you want to see, or you are interested in trekking to see the Mountain Gorillas, we can work with our specialist partners to plan an itinerary that works best for you.  

Photos can’t quite do this experience justice. It’s adrenalin, intrigue, awe, elation, and wonder all at once.

3. The scenery is simply spectacular

Even when you’re not scanning the horizon for wildlife, you’ll still be looking out the window wherever you are, absolutely transfixed by Africa’s beautiful landscapes. From forests to savannahs to coastlines, Africa is wonderfully diverse and, in many parts, relatively untouched. Have your camera ready!

4. The cultures Are fascinating

Wherever you choose to go on safari, you’ll get an opportunity to learn about the area’s culture and history. Learn all about local tribes and their rituals and participate in some cultural activities such as dancing or arts and crafts. If you plan it right, your safari holiday might coincide with a local festival or celebration, which will only add to the richness of your experience.

5. Learn from knowledgeable and experienced guides

A safari guide: what a career! Your knowledgeable and experienced guide will know all there is to know about the wildlife you want to see, the local customs and cultures, and the surrounding landscapes. They’ll likely have some entertaining stories to share having met so many different people from all walks of life. Tune in to their stories and anecdotes to add another layer of excitement to your safari holiday.

6. Make friends for life

There’s nothing quite like being a few feet from a giant predator in its natural habitat to help you form a bond with your fellow safari-goers. You’ll certainly have no shortage of exhilarating experiences to discuss over dinner. And, as safaris attract people from all over the world, you’re likely to make friends from all sorts of different cultures.

7. Take photos you’ll cherish forever

Forget Facebook – the photos you take on safari will be so good, they’ll likely decorate your home when you get back! The stunning landscapes and wildlife offer incredible photo opportunities, and the radiant smile on your face will take you right back to the moment.

8. Come home with crowd-pleasing stories

Let’s be fair: often people listen to travel stories out of sheer politeness (sometimes, you really do have to be there). But, with a safari holiday, it’s different. Your friends and family will be begging you for more details. They’ll want to hear all your stories, see all your photos, and live vicariously through your incredible experience. That’s because safari holidays have that exotic WOW factor. You’ll love the chance to share your journey with others, but the special memories will be yours alone to cherish.

How to plan the perfect safari holiday

Planning the perfect safari holiday often comes down to connecting a number of moving parts, and connecting your own research and reading with on the ground realities.  Questions that often come up are:

  • When is the best time of year to travel to see the animals? 
  • Which airline offers the best routes from New Zealand and connections in Africa. 
  • How do I get to the game reserve I don't seem to be able to book a flight? 

We work alongside trusted New Zealand based partners who have long term relationships in Africa. We can take care of everything from arranging flights and accommodation to helping you decide where in Africa to visit based on the animals and scenery you’d most like to see.

Whether you’re travelling alone, in a group, with your partner or as a family, we can create the perfect itinerary for your needs and wants. Contact us today to start planning your safari experience of a lifetime.