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Are Your Affairs in Order Before Travelling Overseas?

Posted by Fine Travel

29/07/19 13:17

Although travel insurance is often considered before travelling overseas, the importance is ensuring your financial affairs are in order is often overlooked.  We asked Nigel Smith of Covisory Partners for his thoughts on best practice before you travel.


Topics: Travel Insurance

3 Common Traps with Credit Card Travel Insurance

Posted by Daniel - Owner & CEO of Fine Travel

17/12/16 15:00

One of the most common responses travel agents hear when recommending travel insurance is: "That's ok, I have free travel insurance with my credit card".  Even though the cost of the travel insurance premium may be built into the annual card fee or interest rate, the true cost of credit card travel insurance can be much higher if it doesn't cover you when it comes to claim time.  Here are three of the common traps we encounter with credit card travel insurance.


Topics: Travel Insurance

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